After catching a late-night session of Logan at the Classic cinema in Elsternwick, I start walking home, listening to the credits song on Spotify, relishing the fact that the director had chosen 'When the Man Comes Around', my favourite Johnny Cash tune to end a movie that was so much about personal annihilation.

I slip into an alleyway (a shortcut to my house) and halfway down something flashes in the bloom of a streetlight: wings. I stop. A lone bat traces a jagged line across the treetops until it disappears behind the factory themed apartment block I always mistake for an actual factory even though Elsternwick is clearly a gentrified neighbourhood.

After Johnny finishes croaking in my ears I press replay and continue on my journey home, thinking about how this is my favourite kind of night: the End of the World.

- 12 March 2017

Ray: A Eulogy

Michel Faber at Auckland Writers Festival 2016: Strangely Human